Posts by Vili

There are 59 results found

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Speaking about Digital labour markets and the rise of platform-based work at the 50th anniversary symposium of the Institute for Employment Research in Berlin tomorrow

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Speaking at an EU roundtable on impact of digitisation on labour markets and work chaired by Andrus Ansip, Vice-President of the European Commission for the Digital Single Market

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Spoke about online platforms and cross-border trade at the Workshop on Innovation in Digital Industries, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo

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Spoke about governance problems in distributed ledger technologies at Workshop of engineering applications of blockchain, Alan Turing Institute, London

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Could data pay for global development? New report on Data Financing for Global Good: A Feasibility Study.

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I have been elected a Hugh Price Fellow at Jesus College, Oxford, starting 1 January 2017!

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Gave a talk on regulating the platform economy at the OII Internet Leadership Academy, Oxford

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Spoke about The Problem of Governance in Distributed Ledger Technologies (video) at the Alan Turing Institute’s Cryptocurrencies and Beyond seminar in London

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Spoke about the online gig economy and its policy implications (video) at the EU Commission’s Digital Assembly 2016 in Bratislava

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We’re proud to present the Online Labour Index, the first economic indicator to measure the online gig economy in real time (video).